Happy 2020.

Today is Monday – January -6th – Finally My kids are back to school and I am back to work , after being lazy end of the year and a very sick vacation – we went on a cruise to Mexico and Universal studios in LA  yes 2 worst things to do to in just 6 days, I got sea sick in the cruise, it was not that bad, but just bad enough to hate cruise. Then comes worst part we stayed in LA for couple of days , tried planned to visit Universal studios except it was such a disaster to visit over a weekend , where my 9 year old and 5 year old had to wait and wait and just wait in the line for the whole day. OMG what would I concentrate on?! keeping them engaged? make a conversation with the husband or just deal with my headache/ fever? I know right. Any how fast forward 1 week, here we are ...

What I learnt today

Whatever is meant to happen will happen whether you like It or not.

People will just buy 100$ joggers from store just because they haven’t bought anything from that store and just feel like buying it because what the heck? Even though they feel like its too expensive.

Successfully completed no eating out / not buying since the beginning of the year

No eating out – I am trying not to eat out like buying lunch from outside when at work / no dine out with family – trying to limit to home cooked dinner/lunch, trying very hard not to buy  coffee and my favorite favorite  Banana Walnut bread from Starbucks etc.. I have done this the beginning of 2019 for more than a Month; it’s pretty rewarding. please try if you can 😊, its good for your pockets and your tummy will thank you as well 😉. Actually doing this will make you a good grocery shopper, not that I ever do grocery shopping my husband does, no unnecessary waste of food and sticking to a very good grocery budget. This can also be achieved if you do a planned batch cooking, which I used to do every Sunday and I got very excited about it for almost like 3 months before I got bored after and started eating out.

No Buying – I am a big buff online shopper. Again, I have done this the beginning of 2019 for like 1.5 months (until mid Feb) my initial goal was 1 month – happy that I was able to do that more than a month. This is pretty rewarding as well. You Bank Accounts Will Thank You Big time!!

Overall 2019 has been a very good year for me, very thankful for such good memories with family and friends.

We began 2019 after a tiring vacation to Hawaii. It was very much fun, but why do I have to plan for vacations every year and then complain about getting tired after. I guess I never learn.

Our My In-laws visited us – actually it was not that bad after all – maybe I Grew up or I learnt ignorance is bliss but whatever it is ... it was a very busy 2.1/2 months during summer of last year. I went to India for 3 weeks which was the most awesomeness thing ever, especially when my in- laws were still here, YO! now that what I call a vacation  had so much fun and a bit of frustration, all is well now, My dad is  building a new house, My brother have a cute little baby boy. Did a Temple run to meet ATHIVARADHAR 2 times , the first time with my bro and both my kids , they had a very traumatic experience , the second time I left the kids at home and went with my brother and co , still a traumatic experience  so much of wait time etc. All Fun!

Visited my in-laws for a day, had fun with my sis and cousins, what more I can ask for?

So much of shopping ( remember the rewarding thing that I was talking about by not spending the beginning of the year ?) that thing makes you feel like you deserve to spend all of your husband and your dad’s money Hehe!( I know right ?) just because your brain make you think that you were so good in January.. I don’t know how the brain forgets all the stuff that I bought end of Feb /march/Apr/May/Jun?? I guess this is why people said first impression is the best impression. What a bright way to fool your brain and yourself?

Okay to be very honest, I was very good and was being a very careful spender.  Bought blings for myself and made my dad pay for it 😉. Again I got sick just the day I had to leave India, what a shock right?!, its either the day before /on the day / the day after or 2 days after or a week before ... this time I chose to get sick just the day I am about to board the flight , needless to say I was in the airport at 10:00 PM (the previous day ) ‘clock for a 4:00 AM  the next day  flight for which its good enough to be in the airport at 1:00 AM . anyhow I made my dad/ mom/ and my driver look for a place where I can celebrate Aadith’s birthday – at 12:00 found a place, made a celebration and got back to airport just in time, got meds after boarded the flight. No matter how long you go for, no matter how much time you spent , no matter how bored you get , no matter how frustrated you get , or how sick you get, my eyes always fill with tears when I leave India every time. I feel like I Leave e piece of my heart every time I get on the flight. Needless to say, I show throw all the tantrums to my husband every time I get back from India, Make his life very miserable for the next couple of weeks. This time I told him that I was not going to cook for 3 weeks and that I am very home sick and very depressed. We have been getting food from outside for more than 3 weeks. I got frustrated and started cooking again.

Well Before I went to India I had applied for a job with another team, I was so excited about that job and I was supposed to get an info about the decision before I left for vacation , I didn’t get any reply for the mail that I had sent to my manager about the decision was good enough to made me realize that something was very wrong with it. I then left for India, although I was OOO I kept checking my emails, finally got a reply from my manager just 1 week before my vacation was supposed to end , that means more than 2 weeks after I sent the email and I learnt that I didn’t get the job I was so much looking forward to, only to learn that my colleague got that job was good enough to put me in a bad mood all day and all week. I read that email right before I went to bed, kept me awake all night crying. I was not myself for more than a month (hence more frustration/more depression after getting back).

After couple of days when I was ready to talk with my Manager, I expressed my interest career wise, she agreed to it and I made a case for what i thought was right for me and she made her decision after final-approval, Only to realize later that I didn’t even wanted that promotion. I was not very sure what I wanted, I guess I was bored and had to do something about it. But it did make me feel good about myself 😊.

So yeah 6 months of hard work, Vacation, heartbreak, promotion, more work, vacation and voila 2020!

Looking forward for a great 2020. Have some good resolutions for myself. Allocate some quality time for myself, Be more present. Be good to myself, allow myself to make mistakes and give some time to rectify. Mend relationships. More forgiving and letting things go. Finally, a very hard one for me - do not have regrets..
